Serving Ukrainian Refugees in Romania
March 7, 2022 — After a high school trip to Romania, Leah Harper decided she wanted to serve in that country as a social worker. Now, less than one year into her role of serving people in Romania, she is serving Ukrainian refugees.

International Pharmacy Student Serves Refugees
March 4, 2022 — ND Nguyen, a second-year pharmacy student from Vietnam, will lead a medical mission trip for Cedarville University Global Outreach to serve the refugee population in Clarkston, Georgia, during spring break 2022.

Cedarville Stories: Embracing Life Without Hands
March 3, 2022 — Marissa Conrad has embraced all that life has to offer, including playing football, rock climbing, and skiing. Nothing has held her back. Including the fact she had no hands to grip the ski poles or cradle the ball.

Grand Canyon Rocks May Hold Young Earth Clues
March 3, 2022 — Dr. John Whitmore will work with Answers in Genesis experts to study canyon rock samples.

Students Springing Into Missions
March 2, 2022 — Students across campus are scattering to the four winds for spring break. Some are heading home, others taking a fun vacation trip, and a few have maybe the most unique plan of all - they're springing into missions.

Ohio Forensics Association Champions
March 1, 2022 — Cedarville University’s speech and debate teams won three individual championships and one team championship.

New Student Group Provides STEM Advantage
February 28, 2022 — A new student organization at Cedarville University is fast-tracking undergrads for some of the most in-demand career fields in America.

Students Launching Full-Scale Rocket Prototype
February 28, 2022 — A team of Cedarville University engineering students will take their NASA dreams even higher when they launch a full-scale prototype rocket, tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, March 2 at 2 p.m.

Cedarville Stories: Buzzer Beating Shot, Lifetime Beat
February 24, 2022 — Ever watched the movie Hoosiers and imagined yourself making that game-winning shot for a championship? For Indiana native and Cedarville sports information director Mark Womack, it’s more than a fantasy.

Course Increases College Reading Rate
February 24, 2022 — A new Cedarville University program will help new and existing students increase their reading rate while maintaining comprehension to meet the demands of a college workload. To learn more, visit cedarville.edu/accelerate.

Teach Them Diligently Homeschool Enrichment Event
February 23, 2022 — A special conference for homeschool parents and students will be held Saturday, March 5 in Cedarville University’s Dixon Ministry Center. To register for the conference, visit teachthemdiligently.net.

Research Seeks to Inhibit Cancer Growth
February 22, 2022 — Dr. Heather Kuruvilla, senior professor of biology, and her students are researching ways to stop cancer before it starts.

Largest Career Fair in Greene County at Cedarville
February 21, 2022 — Unique to this career fair, which will be held on February 23, is Honda's decision to showcase its Acura NSX vehicle at the fair--a car that was partially designed by two 2014 graduates from the industrial and innovative design program.

Grads Still Finding Jobs Above the National Average
February 19, 2022 — Cedarville’s First Destination Knowledge Rate shows that 96.9% of Cedarville’s 2020 graduates were employed or attending graduate school six to eight months after graduation.

Registration Open for Homeschool PE Class
February 18, 2022 — Parents of local homeschooled children ages 6-12 are invited to register before February 25 by going to cedarville.edu/homeschoolpe and clicking the “Multi-Age PE” tab.

Cedarville University Selects Chris Cross as Athletic Director
February 18, 2022 — After performing a national search for Cedarville University’s next athletic director, Dr. Thomas White, president, announced today the hiring of Chris Cross to the position.

Cedarville Stories: Loving Well is the Music That Moves Him
February 17, 2022 — Modern-day hymn writer. Famous friends. Creative life. Influencer of the next generation. Singer-songwriter Matt Papa has a lot going for him. But when it comes down to it, it's his faithfulness with those nearest and dearest that really frames his life.

Many Professionals, One Patient: Panel to Explore Collaboration
February 17, 2022 — The Cedarville University School of Pharmacy and Department of Social Work will hold a joint panel discussion on effective cross-discipline collaboration for hospital patient care on Tuesday, Feb. 22.

Third Culture Kid Research Presented at National Conference
February 15, 2022 — A classwide interest in how Christian universities communicate with and serve international student populations inspired the research.

M.A. in Innovation: Better Ideas, Better Solutions
February 15, 2022 — Sole proprietors, start-up entrepreneurs, missions and ministry leaders, marketers, engineers, educators, and designers will gain insight, wisdom, and direction from the new Master of Arts in Innovation.
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