Seeking Healthcare Solutions in a Hurry
April 13, 2022 — Grace Hong, a first-year Doctor of Pharmacy student at Cedarville University, will participate in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Hacking Medicine Grand Hack from April 15-17, 2022.

"My Mind is Not Broken"
April 12, 2022 — Evan Weise may be different from other students because of his spinal muscular atrophy (SMARD), but his ability to experience college academics and life remains unaffected by his condition.

Ohio's Pathway from College to Law Enforcement Opens with 11 Students
April 11, 2022 — The state of Ohio is piloting a new criminal justice program unlike anything the United States has ever seen, and Cedarville University is at the core of this historic development.

Cedarville Stories: Wars and Rumors of Wars
April 8, 2022 — Dr. Glen Duerr's keen insight regarding international events coupled with a biblical worldview puts him in a unique spot for offering counsel. What advice does he offer Christians in these troubling times?

Professor Named President of Religious Communication Association
April 8, 2022 — Since 2009, Dr. Andrew Harris, associate professor of communication, has been active in the organization of scholars seeking to understand how communication and religion intersect.

Seven Champions: Cedarville Shines at National Speech Competition
April 8, 2022 — The Cedarville University forensics team competed during the National Christian College Forensics Invitational at Liberty University on March 19.

Collaboration Will Raise Up Church Planters
April 6, 2022 — In an innovative educational partnership with the Great Commission Collective association of churches, The Graduate School at Cedarville University seeks to help grow the next generation of church planters and pastors.

Rocket Team Qualifies for NASA Competition
April 6, 2022 — A successful launch of their full-scale rocket on April 3 earned them the right to compete on April 22-23 at the Marshall Space Flight Center.

MSN Program Ranked in Top 15 Nationally
April 5, 2022 — Cedarville receives best ranking among all Christian universities nationally and is recognized as a best school for flexibility.

Nursing Students Administer TB Tests
April 4, 2022 — The tests will take place on April 8 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the first-floor clinic in the Health Sciences Center (HSC)

Schiewetz Foundation’s $1 Million Gift Will Benefit Scharnberg Business Center
April 1, 2022 — Construction on the Scharnberg Business Center began fall 2022.

Cedarville Stories Podcast: "Your Prayers Are An Iron Dome"
March 31, 2022 — Some of Abigail Rist’s closest friends and loved ones are in the middle of a war zone. And she’s begging you: Don’t stop praying.

Pro-Life Advocacy Courses This June
March 30, 2022 — Courses begin May 9 with an online component, with in-person classes June 13-17 and June 20-24. Registration is open until May 2. Sign up at cedarville.edu/defendinglife.

Remarkable Resources
March 30, 2022 — From the cadaver lab to the Torah scroll to the Trading Room in the School of Business, top-tier educational assets are equipping Cedarville students for career job placements and high-profile postgraduate opportunities.

High Bar
March 30, 2022 — Our School of Engineering and Computer Science is one example of high expectations saturating every major, from class projects to labs, competition teams, and senior design.

Creating the Future
March 30, 2022 — Cedarville leaders are always on the lookout to grow the University’s academic footprint with the latest in-demand programs to train students to become cutting-edge leaders in emerging career fields.

Cyber Stars
March 30, 2022 — Cedarville's programs and students are regularly recognized for excellence, and external verifications like those from the National Security Agency for our cyber program confirm the excellence our students exemplify and experience every day.

Battling Nightmare Scenario in a Dream Location
March 29, 2022 — Five computer science students, along with Dr. Seth Hamman, associate professor of cyber operations and computer science, made the trip to south Florida for Hack the Port 22, a prestigious conference of cyber professionals, academics, and students.

Retired Professors Get Their Friendship “On Track”
March 28, 2022 — How do two retired longtime Cedarville University faculty colleagues keep their friendship chugging along? Without driving each other loco(motive)?

Cedarville Stories Podcast: Serving Ukrainian Refugees
March 24, 2022 — Leah Harper had dreamed of serving as a missionary since she was a kid. But when she arrived in Romania last year as a social worker, she could not have imagined that helping refugees escape a war zone would be central to her responsibilities.
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