An Answer to Prayer
Three months and one kidney later, beloved Cedarville professor Dr. Chuck Elliott is feeling better than he has in years.

The Gospel Project Making a Global Impact for the Kingdom
When Dr. Kevin Jones, dean of Cedarville University’s School of Education, started partnering with LifeWay’s worldwide The Gospel Project on the “Questions from Kids” series, he could not have anticipated the impact this curriculum would have on young learners.

Investing in Student Education
They say experience is the best teacher — a point proven by Cedarville University finance students in the applied portfolio management course.

Normalize “Baby Blues”
Many new moms are suffering in silence. How can this trend change?

Advancing Ministry
He lives a life that is centered on relationships. This is what drives him personally, professionally, and spiritually.

Mounting Troubles
With a fourth indictment of criminal charges filed against former President Donald Trump, some Americans wonder how these charges will impact the 2024 presidential election.

RICO and the Trump Indictment
The latest Trump indictment has raised more questions regarding criminal charges at both the state and federal levels, and now the RICO act has entered the conversation, particularly as it relates to Georgia state laws.

Record Number of Students Enrolling at Cedarville University
For the past 14 years, Cedarville University has enjoyed record student enrollments. Will this trend continue in the 2023-24 academic year?

Learning to Trust: Overcoming a Rare Autoimmune Sickness
It was in the middle of volleyball practice that then-high school student Macy DePew started wheezing unexpectedly.

Engaging Culture Through Literature: “The Faithful Reader”
No matter the department, biblical integration is strongly emphasized in every academic discipline at Cedarville University.

Changing of Healthcare in America
The future of healthcare is changing in America...and nurse practitioners are central to this growing trend.

From Senior Design to the Ends of the Earth
When Josh Radcliffe and his two senior design partners started working on designing a fixed-tuned radio, they never could have imagined the impact this radio — the size of a cellphone — could have worldwide.