New $8.75 Million Residence Hall to House 120 Students This Fall
A year after Cedarville University recorded the largest freshman class and highest total enrollment in its 136-year history, the university will open a new residence hall for the 2023-24 academic year to accommodate the growing student body.

New Graduate Certificate Equips Future Leaders
In a culture with ever-changing ideas and agendas, good leadership is becoming more and more important. Cedarville University seeks to equip biblically faithful leaders with its new graduate certificate in leadership.

Professor Set for "First Down" with OSU Buckeyes
Most college professors teach, grade, and teach some more. But Jeff Gilbert, assistant professor of journalism at Cedarville University, will spend much of his spare time at Ohio State football games this season.

Strength in Weakness: Cedarville Grad Coaches Team for the Red Sox
It’s the dream of every young baseball player to make it to the major leagues, and Max Miller is helping rookies make it to the Boston Red Sox.

Politics for God’s Glory
For many people, politics can be a divisive topic. But for state Senator John Arch of Nebraska, he believes it doesn’t have to be that way.

“I Talked to God When I Couldn’t Talk to People”
Being born without hearing can change someone’s life forever. Through prayer, resilience and multiple surgeries, one Cedarville University student hasn’t let her condition stop her from enjoying life and thriving in college.

Staging Luther: Cedarville Professor and Students Publish New Translation of Reformation Plays
It isn’t often that someone discovers a collection of 16th century plays that need to be translated into modern English, but that’s exactly what happened to Dr. Annis Shaver, professor of German and linguistics at Cedarville University.

Bryson the Brave Bison
When an Army ROTC student and an aspiring college basketball player met on Cedarville’s baseball team, they would have never guessed they would one day co-author a children’s book.
Bon Voyage … Again: Study Abroad Students Return to the UK
Four months in Oxford, England, just wasn’t enough for four 2023 Cedarville University graduates, all of whom will be returning to the United Kingdom to begin graduate education at St. Andrews, Glasgow and Oxford Universities this coming fall.

Accounting Student Lands Top Internship
Excellent academics and personal character lead to excellent internships. For Tate Kessler, a junior accounting major from Langhorne, Pennsylvania, that means working at one of the top accounting firms in the nation.

Father and Son Bond During Scientific Journal Chapter Writing
Dr. Tim Veenstra and his son, Benjamin, combined their academic and occupational interests with family bonding when they co-authored a chapter on Proteomic Applications in Identifying Protein-Protein Interactions.

Roommates to New Hampshire
What started as a vague, crazy idea in their sophomore year of college turned into a 1,000-mile bicycle ride they would never forget.