Small School, Big Impact
When it comes to offering rigorous, high-end academic programs in health care disciplines, Cedarville University is rapidly establishing a reputation for being a leader.

ICC Recruitment Day Helps Graduates Find Jobs
On March 31, the International Center for Creativity (ICC) in Dublin, Ohio, will host its ICC design recruitment day to help Cedarville University industrial and innovative design students learn about career opportunities.

Ohio Focuses on Solving Police Crisis with New Initiative
A one-of-a-kind program is vetting college students for careers in law enforcement, and Cedarville University criminal justice majors are taking full advantage.

From Mascot to Manning Up
When Shawn Hess reflects on his time as a student at Cedarville, he’s met with two very distinct sets of memories: his early years of defiance and his later years of dedication to the Lord.

Better Together: Cedarville Launches the Synergy Initiative to Mobilize Disciples
To help students use their future professions to proclaim the Gospel, Cedarville University has launched the new Synergy Initiative to help solve a growing concern in the United States — the decline of churches and churchgoers.

IBC Boardless: Flexibility Is Key
Each year, Cedarville University’s Integrated Integrated Business Core (IBC) program generates student groups that design and sell their own products.

Problem Solved: Programming Contest Tests Students Skills
Problem-solving is a skill college students learn in various settings. Now, Cedarville University School of Engineering and Computer Science is offering a campus-wide computer programming competition Saturday, March 25, to help showcase these skills.

Washington Post: Cedarville Is Ohio’s “Most Collegiest Town”
Cedarville mighty college town caught the attention of the Washington Post, which ranked Cedarville as Ohio’s “Most Collegiest College Town.”

At The Forefront of Academic Pro-Life Education
Communication can serve many purposes, and as Christians, we believe advocacy is part of our biblical calling.

Musings of a Writer
As he and his mother sat across from me, I could tell they were hungry for answers. What exactly can you do with a professional writing and information design (PWID) degree?

From WSRN To Resound Radio
Since 1989, Cedarville University has had a student-run radio station that serves as a learning laboratory of sorts for broadcasting and digital media students from the Department of Communication.

The Craftsman Behind Cedarville Communication
If you ask Jim Phipps '68 about his role in building Cedarville University’s Department of Communication, he redirects you. He wants to talk about anyone other than himself.