Angel Network Makes $800,000 Investment
The capital component of Cedarville University’s entrepreneurship ecosystem, the Beyond Angel Network, recently made a capital investment of over $800,000 in exchange for equity interest in two high-growth startups.

Legally Blind Social Work Major Seeks to Serve
Social work majors seek to bear others’ emotional burdens, but for sophomore Hannah Abel, she has an added difficulty to navigate: her sight.

Alumnus Photographer Featured on "Good Morning America"
David Ward, a 2019 Cedarville grad, captured the images for 8Up, a rooftop restaurant in Louisville, Kentucky, which attracted media attention for its socially distanced dining pop-up igloos.

Cedarville Stories Podcast: Toolbox Is His Altar
As much as he loves tapping into his plumbing expertise, Paul Mitchell’s heart ultimately is for living water.

Research in the Genes: Father and Son Appear in Same Journal
Research biology journal "Proteomics" features Dr. Tim Veenstra, associate professor of pharmaceutical science, and his son, Jacob in separate articles.

Blissful Reunion: Military Couple Serving Together After 15 Months Apart
Addison and Mariah Love are now serving together in the U.S. Army at Fort Bliss in El Paso, Texas.

Internship That Almost Wasn't Is Now Full-Time Position After Graduation
Alyx Vissing, who just graduated from Cedarville this past weekend with a bachelor's degree in broadcasting, digital media, and journalism, will be working as a full-time missionary with Trans World Radio's Women of Hope ministry.

Commencement 2021!
Enjoy the commencement celebration and hear from our graduating seniors about the way they were transformed during their 1,000 days at Cedarville!

Students Serve the Nations in Clarkston, Georgia
From May 2-9, Dr. Thad Franz, vice-chair of experiential programs in the School of Pharmacy, and N.D. Nguyen, a first-year graduate student in pharmacy, will lead a team of students to serve refugees from more than 40 nations.

892 Graduates Conferred Degrees in Special Commencement Programs
754 undergraduates and 138 graduate students received degrees during three religious Commencement programs April 30-May 1, and 234 members of the class of 2020 were recognized.

Cedarville Stories Podcast: Biblical Integrity From Generation to Generation
Using athletics to share the Gospel. Pointing to Jesus in a small-group ministry. Around the globe on missions. Disciple-making. Christian education. Shaun and Diane Hannay’s life reflects the values and priorities they learned at Cedarville.

Mother and Son Earn Master of Ministry Degrees
Karin and Justin Daun have taken about 80% of their classes together, giving them the opportunity not only to study the Bible in more depth individually but also to explore Scripture together.