University Medical Services Patient Rights and Responsibilities
As a patient at University Medical Services, you have the right to:
- be treated with respect, consideration, and dignity regardless of gender, physical or mental abilities, race, ethnicity, or religious beliefs.
- have appropriate privacy with regard to the provision of your health care.
- confidentiality with regard to your medical records and private health information except when required by law, and, as outlined in the UMS Notice of Privacy Practices, you have the right to approve or refuse the release of medical information except as required by law.
- have competent health care services provided by a qualified health care provider.
- know the name and title of anyone who provides health care for you at UMS.
- be given complete information regarding your diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis when medically advisable and known. Such information may also be provided to another person under the following conditions: during a medical emergency, when it is medically inadvisable for you to receive the information about your prognosis, when the person has legal authorization, or when you give authorization for the person to receive the information.
- participate in decisions involving your medical care when it is appropriate.
- refuse treatment.
- be notified of the possible risks and consequences of refusing medical care.
- receive health care from a health care provider of your choice or to request a second opinion from the health care provider of your choice.
- whenever possible, be informed of any costs or possible insurance reimbursement for your care.
- receive timely responses to your requests for appointments.
- voice any complaints or concerns regarding the care provided by UMS.
As a patient at UMS, you have the responsibility to:
- Provide accurate and complete information concerning your medical history including past illnesses, hospitalizations, medications, allergies, and other pertinent information.
- Ask questions about anything that you do not understand including questions about your diagnosis, treatment, prognosis, or instructions given to you by UMS staff.
- Keep all appointments and inform UMS if you are not able to keep your appointment so another student can use the appointment.
- Notify the nurse or physician if your condition becomes worse or does not improve so that you can participate in the development and update of your health care plan.