COVID-19 Sparks Special Celebration to Honor the Class of 2020
The senior class will be recognized with May 2 online event at 10 a.m. and other special observances.

Cedarville Stories Podcast: Career Coach Helps Students With God's Game Plan
Jeff Reep, director of the Career Services Office, was a college basketball coach for 22 years.

Aerosol Box Protects Health Care Workers from COVID-19
2009 Cedarville alumnus Stephen Smith has developed an easy-to-assemble shield for medical staff treating sick patients.

COVID-19 Accelerates Bookstore Toward Online Sales
Cedarville bookstore now offering books, collectibles, Bibles and other merchandise online.

South Korea Residents Benefiting from Cedarville Pharmacy Graduate
Dr. Jinwon Byun, a 2017 Cedarville University alumna, is the first graduate from the Cedarville University School of Pharmacy to work internationally.

Cedarville Stories Podcast: Engineering Student is a 3-D Servant
Sophomore Connor Heart is using the talents and passions God has given him to bring the love and light of Christ to others.

Frontline Heroes Keep Cedarville Going During Pandemic
Faithful staff work on campus to support and maintain the university during COVID-19.

Professional Pharmacy Students Serve on the Pandemic Frontlines
38 fourth-year students are serving clinical rotations during the COVID-19 crisis.

Amazing Generosity for Students Impacted by Pandemic
#CUGiveHope campaign raised $214,907 from 475 supporters. Gifts continue to stream in.

Coronavirus, Easter, and the Search for Hope
Cedarville alumni and pastors, Mark Vroegop and Bobby Hile, and professors Dr. Matthew Bennett and Dr. Dan DeWitt, offer insight about how God is using the pandemic to draw people to Himself and how Christians can respond.

Theology II on Video and Online for No Charge
Dr. Jeremy Kimble teaches the course, which covers the doctrines of Christ, salvation, the Holy Spirit and eschatology.

Research and Scholarship Symposium Goes All Online
This year's event happens April 8 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at cedarville.edu/researchsymposium.