Trustees Make Forward-Focused Decisions Amid Coronavirus Challenges
Cedarville University’s Board of Trustees approved curriculum for a physician assistant (PA) program, approved a new dean for the school of education, and affirmed eight other new faculty members at its annual May meeting.

University Prepares for August Return to Campus
Graduate and undergraduate students will be welcomed back to campus as scheduled on August 14-16, 2020.

Cedarville Stories Podcast: Creative Spirit Merges Faith and Fun
2017 alumnus Drew Brandt found the perfect place and people where his faith and adventurous spirit could thrive.

COVID-19 Spurs 61 Days Through the Bible
Three recent graduates are leading current students, parents, and others in Zoom study of whole Bible.

COVID-19 Leads Nurse to Anchor in NYC
Rachel Hartley, a 2015 nursing graduate, sailed to New York City with her husband, Taylor.

The Moody Church Pastor has Local Roots
2004 alumnus Philip Miller will begin serving at the historic downtown Chicago church in July.

Cedarville Stories Podcast: Breath of Fresh Air in Complicated World of Politics
Political science professor Mark Caleb Smith has become a media favorite because of his balanced insights.

The Congo Prepared Nurse for COVID-19
After graduating last year, Virginia Walker served at a 70-bed village hospital run by a missionary couple.

Alumnus is One of First COVID-19 Plasma Donors
2001 criminal justice graduate and 2020 Master of Ministry graduate Steve Norris recovered from the novel coronavirus and donated plasma to help others.

Senior Celebration Honors Largest Graduating Class
There were 826 undergraduate and graduate students earning 832 bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees during the special online celebration. Commencement will still be held Homecoming Weekend, October 2-3, with full regalia.

Cedarville Stories Podcast: Professor Connects Pharmacy and Family
Dr. Justin Cole grew up in an extended family of pharmacists and loves to serve families.

Education Majors Ahead of the COVID-19 Learning Curve
Students pair up with online educators to learn how to teach in the virtual classroom.