HLC Approves Master of Athletic Training
New graduate program is slated to begin July 2022.

Cedarville Stories Podcast: Education in Disguise
2003 alumna Heidi Bruder came up with some very creative teaching strategies during COVID-19.

Alumnus Volunteer Connects 1 Million Face Shields with COVID-19 Fight
1964 alumnus Ty Bryant answered the call when healthcare workers needed more personal protective equipment.

From Seeking an End to a New Beginning
Friend on his hall and his resident assistant were crucial in helping Noah Flack rediscover his faith.

Writing Center Helps Students Write Well, Think Well
Cedarville's Writing Center provides unique resources for students.

Cedarville Stories Podcast: Making an Arrest on COVID-19
Cedarville alumnus Steve Norris offered his blood in the fight against the deadly coronavirus.

Book Explores Loving Our Muslim Neighbors
Dr. Matthew Bennett's book serves as a primer on Islam.

Trusting God is What Makes COVID-19 Nurse Heroic
2017 nursing alumna Amy Grudier is serving at Parkland Hospital in Dallas.

COVID-19 Brings Telehealth to the Forefront
School of Pharmacy professors caring for Rocking Horse Community Health Center patients by video.

Cedarville Stories Podcast: Nurse Anchored in NYC by Her Faith
2015 graduate and Master of Science in Nursing student Rachel Hartley, and her husband Taylor, sailed to New York City to fight the COVID-19 pandemic.

Caring for COVID-19 Patients in Central Park
2012 alumna Danielle Price joined the fight against the pandemic by serving at a Samaritan's Purse field hospital.

Teacher Unleashes Creativity During COVID-19
2003 alumna Heidi Bruder has been "applying" new techniques to teach her students virtually.