Digital and Social Media Manager Named Young PR Professional of the Year
Sarah Gump was named the Young Professional of the Year by the Dayton Area Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) this fall.

NAPLEX Pass Rate Exceeds National and State Averages
Cedarville University’s School of Pharmacy class of 2020 currently has a first-time pass rate of 92.5% on the North American Pharmacist Licensure Examination (NAPLEX).

Singing Interview Leads to True Girl Ministry Adventure
When Kasey Pot found herself singing a capella and reading a children’s book in an impromptu interview, she knew the job might be a little unusual.

Rubik’s Cube Rivalry: Brothers Solve Puzzle In Very Unusual Ways
Solving Rubik’s Cubes is no small matter for Cedarville University brothers Thaddeus and Ivan Krueger.

Cedarville Stories Podcast: Making Disciples for Hard Places
Dr. Matt Bennett, Assistant Professor of Missions and Theology, and his wife, Emily, spent six years on the mission field.

New Textbook Combines Exercise and Theology
“A Christian Guide to Body Stewardship, Diet and Exercise” offers a theology of the body and addresses nutrition, weight management, and exercise.

Music Program is Truly "In Tents"
To accommodate social distancing for musical groups while allowing them to practice together, the department of music and worship is performing outside under canopy.

Three Students Awarded Dayton Workforce Scholarships
Brandt Howett and Jordan Ernst, senior nursing students, and Josiah Lansford, a senior computer science and information technology management double major, were recognized.

Men's Glee Club Performing Tuesday
The Men’s Glee Club will perform in concert on Tuesday, Oct. 20, at 5 p.m. in the Dixon Ministry Center Recital Hall. This event is free and open to the public, with a seating capacity of 60.

Virtual Family Math Night at Cedar Cliff Elementary
Cedarville University students will meet virtually with children and parents for math games, puzzles, and problems on Oct. 20, from 5-9 p.m.

"Cracked Pot" Trumpets for God's Glory
Charlie Pagnard has taught students in trumpet and music, and influenced them for Christ, for the last 43 years. But he knows his path could have gone a very different direction.

Surviving to Thriving: Accident Victim’s Miracle Recovery
Olivia Ancil’s life was special before May 28, but an accident and her miraculous recovery have made it extraordinary.