Unlocking Affordability
After choosing a college, another big question follows: How are we going to pay for four years of education? One-size-fits-all answers don’t exist.
Counting the Costs
When many parents look at the headlines about a college education, it is natural for them to ask the question, “Is this really worth it?” When university students (especially in so-called elite institutions) across the country are protesting Israel and effectively calling for the elimination of the Jewish state (with professors often brazenly leading the chants), parents should rightly ask, “What kind of education are we paying for?”
Through Parent Eyes
The college decision is vitally important for future students, but it matters every bit as much to the parents who have spent so many years building into their children’s lives.
Launch Pad: Cultivating Christian Calling in Career Services
Jeff Reep ’78, Director of Cedarville’s Career Services office, regularly tells students that the average person works 80,000 hours of his or her life. This is more time than they will spend with their spouse and children, recreation, or church. 80,000 hours is staggering.
ROI: Lives Transformed
College is not for everyone. But for most, a college education is a privilege to be pursued because it faithfully stewards the gifts and opportunities that the Lord has entrusted to us. In short, a Christian college education will challenge students to maximize their impact for King Jesus.
Playing Basketball to Finding a Career
As Mason Buch searched for a summer internship between his junior and senior years at Cedarville University, he found not only help, but genuine support from Cedarville's career services staff.
From Egypt to Cedarville: A Miraculous Journey
Welcome to a touching episode of the Cedarville Stories Podcast, where we bring you the inspiring journey of Caroline Abdelmassih, a student in Cedarville University's Doctor of Pharmacy program.
Beyond the Classroom: Faculty Mentors
Paulo Diniz stepped foot on Cedarville University’s campus for the first time in the fall of 2013. Born and raised in São José dos Campos, Brazil, Diniz was anxious about attending college in the United States — he was not fluent in English and felt nervous about communicating with his professors and classmates.
National Excellence in Cybersecurity
Cedarville University’s commitment to providing a premier education in cybersecurity, anchored in biblical principles, has been recognized with top honors in Cybersecurity Guide’s 2024 rankings. The program secured the No. 1 ranking for Best Overall cybersecurity program, while also being ranked No. 3 for Most Affordable nationwide.
Cedarville's Gilman Scholar Takes on Oxford
In February 2022, Thad Burson didn’t fully believe studying abroad was going to be an option. Now, a year later, as the recipient of the State Department’s Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship, he is studying foreign policy at the University of Oxford in Oxford, England.
A Lighthouse of love, legacy, and Family Memories
In the heart of the village of Cedarville, Bob and Jenny Czerniak embarked on a heartfelt journey to transform an ancient schoolhouse into a haven of cherished family memories.
A Paychex Internship: Freshman Edition
When it came to finding an internship in his field of study, Levi Larsen discovered that the Cedarville University network was a great place to start.