Dick Walker: A Cedarville Legacy
Dick Walker, the father of Getting Started Weekend, passed away on February 9, 2024. Remember his legacy with this episode of the Cedarville Stories Podcast.

Hayley Good: From NICU Patient to NICU Nurse
Hayley Good was not expected to live long. Born at just 24 weeks and weighing one pound and nine ounces, she was given little hope for survival. But God intervened. After earning her degree in nursing from Cedarville University on May 4, 2024, her journey will come full circle in July when she begins her career as a NICU nurse — in the same ward where she was placed as an infant.

Underwater Robotics Team Reaching New Depths
Every year, senior mechanical engineering students at Cedarville University complete a capstone project, a requirement before graduating. Throughout the years, projects have varied from building race cars and rockets to creating a medical device that can save a person’s life after experiencing a severed carotid artery.But Jared Ritzo knew that he wanted to complete a project that had never been done successfully at Cedarville — building an underwater, remote-operated, vehicle (ROV).

A Mother's Love, A Daughter's Honor: Cedarville's Heartwarming Commencement Ceremony
In the midst of all the pomp and circumstance of Cedarville University’s commencement weekend, a special dream came true for Fernie Hochstedler, a graduate student who was battling a terminal diagnosis at her home in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Although Hochstedler was unable to travel to campus for her commencement ceremony, her daughter, Naomi, walked across the stage to receive her mother’s academic regalia during the annual hooding ceremony on Friday, May 3, from the Cedarville University School of Nursing program.

Cyclones and C-Sections
It was a whirlwind morning for Allison and Brandon Williams when they awoke on Wednesday, February 28. They knew this was the day they would meet their third child, but what transpired leading up to Allison’s delivery was totally unexpected.

In The World Of The Education Major
Choosing a major right out of high school can feel daunting. Marcela Brower, a junior primary education major, found herself in this position and eventually discovered her calling in Cedarville's education program. In her article, she shares insights into her experience as an education major, highlighting the structured coursework, hands-on opportunities, and strong support system. See how Cedarville's education programs equip students to make a meaningful impact for Christ in their careers and communities.

Cosmic Traffic Control: Professor Joins Researchers at Air Force Academy
Space is the final frontier, but the path around the Earth is becoming an increasingly busy cosmic highway. With the number of satellites traveling around the Earth expected to increase by tens of thousands in the next decade, the work of scientists to properly locate these satellites is extremely important. That is the view of Dr. George Landon, professor of computer science at Cedarville University, who was recently named a fellow with the United States Air Force Summer Faculty Fellowship.

Cedarville Seniors Partner with Chick-fil-A, Answers in Genesis
Equipping students for success is a goal of Cedarville University’s industrial and innovative design (IID) program. As the only program of its kind at any private Christian university in the nation, Cedarville’s IID program gives students the opportunity to benefit from senior capstone projects with national brands, including Chick-fil-A and Answers in Genesis.

Songwriters at Cedarville: Recognizing Talent Through Annual Contest
Aspiring songwriters had the opportunity to display their talent in the 13th annual Cedarville University songwriting contest. The event, which was sponsored by Cedarville’s Department of Music and Worship, saw senior Ellie Giordano, from Clarkston, Michigan, and junior Emma Haylett of Aurora, Colorado, win for their song, “My Soul Sings.”
Unexpected Blessings
Originally from Guatemala, Viv Wheeler was born to a mother who was unable to care for her, leading to her being put up for adoption. She was quickly selected by a couple who began the process of making her their own, only to encounter difficulties that once again left Viv alone. However, each of these hardships were part of God’s great plan to shower her with blessings and opportunities.

Redeeming the Stage for God and His Glory
All beauty is God’s beauty, and the theatre program at Cedarville University is committed to putting this truth on display. As the fine arts become increasingly secular, many Christian universities have eliminated their theatre programs and relinquished the field to the culture, but Cedarville stands ready to redeem the stage for God and His glory.

Cedarville Pharmacy Residency Match Rate Exceeds National Average
The school of pharmacy at Cedarville University is building a legacy of success. In the last nine years, the school has consistently seen a residency match rate for its Doctor of Pharmacy graduates exceeding the national average. Cedarville’s match rate for this year’s graduating class is 82.6%, exceeding the national average of 75.98%.